Prison Fellowship Costa Rica
The Prison Fellowship of Costa Rica, is a Non-Governmental, non-profit organization, declared and registered in the National Registry as a Social Welfare Institution by the Mixed Institute of Social Aid and affiliated with the International Prison Fellowship, which has more Out of 120 subsidiaries around the world, and its headquarters are in the United States, Washington DC, it is the largest organization in the world in the recruitment of volunteers, who participate in the field of Criminal Justice. Since 1983 he has been actively involved in crime prevention, through his NGO consultant role, at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
How do we do it?
This program is developed through:
Little Seeds of Love
Comprehensive care is provided, strengthening the personal, social, educational, spiritual and family development of children and adolescents, sons and daughters of persons deprived of liberty.
Victim Recovery Program
This program is to provide support to individuals or families who have been affected by some crime.
Es un programa evangelístico, al interior de los del Centros Penales. Presentando a Jesús desde el evangelio de Marcos. Desarrolla tres preguntas básicas: ¿Quién es Jesús? ¿Por qué vino Jesús? ¿Qué significa seguir a Jesús?
Sycamore Tree
Este programa es parte de la Justicia Restaurativa, un movimiento mundial de reforma de la justicia penal. El PAS busca tiene como objetivo que las víctimas vivan un proceso de resolución, que las personas privadas de la libertad se comprometan con su transformación personal y que ambos vean aumentadas sus esperanzas con respecto al futuro.